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1 rupee less per 1000 rupees: How is this? Musk put a check on Twitter users!

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 After several failed attempts, Elon Musk has finally launched the Twitter Blue subscription service to the public. One thing to note is that users will now have to pay to use many features, including Blue Tick.

When Jack Dorsey was the owner of Twitter, the verification process i.e. Plutik provision was easy and transparent. There was no need to pay any fee for Bluetic service. But Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter, has a different opinion. Elon Musk has made major changes to the Bluetic service.

Elon Musk has announced that he is bringing a subscription fee to Twitter's Bluetic service. He made several attempts to implement it and kept going back on this decision. After several failed attempts at this stage, Musk is implementing a Bluetic subscription fee.

Twitter Blue subscription service for Android is available worldwide starting at $8. Similarly, it is set at $11 for iPhone users. iPhone users in India will have to pay Rs 999 for the Twitter Blue subscription service. Pricing for Android users in India is yet to be announced. This subscription service gives users access to a number of premium features including Blue Tig, the ability to post 1080 pixel videos, and tweet editing. Looking at the details of how much Android and iOS users have to pay to access the premium Twitter Blue features, one thing to note is that Android users have to pay less than iOS users to get the Twitter Blue feature.

On Android, users pay $8 a month for the BlueTick service. Similarly iOS users will have to pay $11 to start the service. The company did not explain why the higher amount is only for iPhone users. But iOS users have to pay $3 more than Android users. From political leaders to celebrities use 'blue tick' on their official Twitter accounts. In particular, the Twitter site will have a blue tick next to the name to confirm that this Twitter account is their official Twitter account.

At this stage, many additional features are provided in Bluetic service. That means access to many premium features including Blue Tig, the ability to post 1080p videos, and tweet editing. But it is said that it will not include the Twitter edit feature. The reason is that Musk is reportedly planning to roll out the Twitter edit feature to all users. The company had previously disclosed the information about the Twitter fee through a tweet. It read, "We're relaunching @TwitterBlue - $8/month for Android users and $11/month for iOS users to get access, including the Blue Tick. Twitter is officially bringing the paid service back to Twitter after several failed attempts.

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